Painting Contractors Denver
Denver Painting Contractors
As We give the best advice at “Painting Contractors Denver” when it come to Painting panel doors,
You want to first remove all hardware or cover it with masking tape. If paint does get on metal parts, let it partially dry and then remove it, instead of doing it immediately and smearing the wet paint all over thus making it more harder to clean. You want to Start by painting the panels, working from top to bottom. Believe me as “painting contractors Denver” we been through this plenty of times but For each panel, paint the panel molding first, then the interior, using up and down strokes with your brush. Next you want to paint the rest of the door, finishing with the outer edges and then once you’re done with the edges you want to lightly brush off the excess paint that you got on the front of the door so it does not leave a build up when it dries and shows in your finished product. If the door swings out, paint the hinged edge. If the door swings in, paint the lock-side edge and always make sure to use tape paper plastic underneath so that you don’t take a chance of getting paint on hardwood floors or carpet. Sometimes it’s easier if you have slick finish doors without the panels to mask entire area off and spray it with a small chip to get a nice beautiful factory finish. If you’re looking for great painting contractors in Denver, give us a call here at “painting contractors Denver” and we will get back with you ASAP
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