When it comes time to Application of finish paint the longevity of your job depends on your preparation work. Always make sure that the surface is prepared for finish paint before applying. If your painting steel or metal Surfaces and even though it doesn’t look like any paints Peeling you could have a build up of film that’s invisible to the eye and it takes solvents and other required specification procedures to wipe and clean before the application of any type of paint you’re using, apoxys,urethanes, oil based paints or even higher industrial water-based latex paints. If you’re looking for a good painting company we here at Denver painters, Can get the job done right the first time give us a call for free estimate or you can fill out the sidebar and we will be emailed immediately take and get back to you ASAP. We just completed our last job as painters in Highlands Ranch, Check out our most recent pictures as of February 8, 2013