Residential painters Parker co. Expert Advice on Making Your Paint Job Work for You Give your current home a coat of neutral colors and prospective buyers will be able to get a good picture of how their furniture might look in your home. And you’ll want to give your new home a look that’s distinctively you. So follow these basic steps for a beautifully painted interior. You’ll learn how to prime the walls and use a roller, cover hard-to-reach spots with a wall brush and paint the woodwork. Step 1: Prime time Unless the existing finish is flat you’ll need to apply a primer coat to make the new paint adhere. On flat-painted walls that require only minor repairs you may simply choose to spot prime. For walls with larger areas of patching plaster, it’s advisable to use a sealer or primer/sealer. Priming doesn’t require as much care as painting, but it’s done the same way; follow the next three steps, which you’ll repeat with the paint after the primer dries. Step 2: Ceiling brushwork Start with the ceiling, first covering the perimeter and unpainted areas around the fixtures. Step 3: Ready to roll You’ll want to begin with the […]Read more »
Residential painters aurora Co
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